Pristine Tasmania
Tasmania’s stringent biosecurity laws effectively protect against pests that threaten crops in other regions, resulting in a reduced reliance on harmful chemicals and pesticides. Additionally, there is a moratorium in place on genetically modified organisms (GMO) foods, further ensuring the integrity of our agricultural products
Tasmania, the island state of Australia, is located 40 degrees south of the equator. within the temperate zone of the southern hemisphere, showcasing dramatic coastlines, rugged mountains, spectacular wilderness, and sparkling highland lakes and rich agricultural soils.
With the world’s cleanest air and purest water, Tasmania's unpolluted coastal seas and rich, fertile soils contribute to the production of some of the finest foods globally. Tasmanian products have earned a reputation as Australia’s premier gourmet island providore supplier.
The temperate climate, combined with longer days of sunshine and cooler evenings, allows produce to ripen more slowly, resulting in superior flavour.
Tasmania is renowned for its outstanding seafood, an extensive selection of over 100 specialty cheeses, world-famous honey—such as organic leatherwood honey and Manuka from the rainforest—and premium Tasmanian cherries. These elements combine to create a portfolio of world-class products for discerning clients and consumers.
Tasmania’s famously clean air, abundant supplies of clean water, and the absence of many pests and diseases prevalent in other regions enable Tasmanian farmers to reduce or eliminate the use of chemicals typically applied to food crops, all while maintaining a strong focus on sustainable farming practices.